
Support Key: [CSS2] [N6|O4]
Other Generated
Content Properties

= Index DOT Css by Brian Wilson =
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Default Value:
Empty string
Applicable Elements:
:before and :after Pseudo-elements
Inherit From Parent:
Applicable Media:
HTML Equivalent:
What is it?
This property automatically generates content to attach before/after a CSS selector (using the :before and :after pseudo-elements.) One or more keywords may be specified for this property, but the content does not actually exist in the document tree; it is generated "on-the-fly." The 'display' property is used with this property to specify the type of rendering box for the generated content.

Allowed Values
[CSS2] [O4]
Type: Explicit
Explicitly sets the value of this property to that of the parent.
[CSS2] [N6|O4
Type: Explicit
The content of the value will be used as the generated text.
[CSS2] [N6|O7]
Type: Explicit
An absolute or relative URL pointing to an embeddable object. If rendering of the file is not possible by the browser, it should be ignored.
[CSS2] [O4]
Type: Explicit
counter(name) | counter(name, list-style-type)
Generated text is produced using "name" (the name of the counter at the current point in the document tree), and "list-style-type" accepts one of the named values used for the 'list-style-type' property (default "list-style-type" for the counter() function is 'decimal'.)

counters(name, string) | counters(name, string, list-style-type)
All counters with the indicated "name" label at the current point in the document tree will become the generated text, separated by the specified string value. The counters are rendered using the "list-style-type" (one of the named values used for the 'list-style-type' property, default "list-style-type" for the counters() function being 'decimal'.)
[CSS2] [N6|O4]
Type: Explicit
A quote of the indicated type is inserted as appropriate, taking its value from the 'quotes' property.
[CSS2] [N6|O4]
Type: Explicit
A quote is not inserted for the open/close quote, but the quote nesting level is still incremented/decremented accordingly.
[CSS2] [N6|O4]
Type: Explicit
This syntax returns a string which is the unparsed value of the indicated element attribute (X) for the current CSS selector. If the specified attribute does not exist, an empty string should be returned. Case sensitivity of the attribute name should depend on the language in use (eg: XML is case sensitive while HTML is not.) If the system supports it, you can also supply a namespace prefix to narrow down the attribute selection as well, eg: "attr(foo|align)" where "foo" is the namespace prefix, and "align" is the attribute being selected in that namespace ONLY.
Ext/Doc: em:before { content: url("ding.wav") }
In-Line:  NA
Notes Browser Peculiarities

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