External Style Sheets
= Index DOT Css by Brian Wilson =

Main Index | Property Index | CSS Support History | Browser History
What is it?
This CSS specification mechanism is the farthest removed of the allowed methods from the portion(s) of the document tree it controls. This method allows a style sheet external to the document to be "attached" to the current document.

This is the most powerful of all the CSS attachment methods, as it allows a single style sheet to control the rendering of multiple documents. This results in a time-savings for the author, a savings of space for the web server, and less download time for the user. In addition, this method can be used in both HTML and XML.

An External Style Sheet is a file containing only CSS syntax (no document content or elements) and should carry a MIME type of "text/css." The style information is not explicitly tied directly to the document's elements, so Selector syntax is used to specify what styles attach to which portions of the document tree. The full range of CSS syntax is allowed in this method.
HTML Inclusion Method
In HTML, an External Style Sheet is specified using the LINK [-->Index DOT Html] element within the HEAD element block to specify the URL location of the External Style Sheet. URL values may be relative or absolute.
    <link REL="STYLESHEET" TYPE="text/css" HREF="[Style sheet URL]">
[See complex HTML example using External Style Sheets]
XML Inclusion Method
A style sheet processing instruction (PI) is included in the prologue of an XML document indicating the URL of the external style sheet.
    <?xml-stylesheet href="[Style Sheet URL]" type="text/css"?>

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