Nyttårsaften • 2013 • New Year’s Eve

Patron saints

Du er invitert til nyttårsfest!
Hurra! Når?
31. desember! 2013! Kl 20!
Hos Karen og Håkon i Drammensveien 97B, 0273 Oslo
Hva skal vi gjøre i år? Ta bilder av oss selv med papirhatter??
Nei. I år skal vi ta fram glorien.
Glorien? Sånn som helgener har?
Akkurat. Temaet i år er skytshelgener. En skytshelgen en en helgen som beskytter en yrkesgruppe eller et geografisk område. Skytshelgener er rikt representert i kunsten, og de avbildes ofte med symboler som gjør dem gjenkjennelige. Tabellen under gir noen eksempler på skytshelgener.
You're invited to a New Year's Eve Celebration!
Hooray! When?
December 31st! 2013! 8PM!
Håkon and Karen's in Drammensveien 97B, 0273 Oslo
What will we do this year? Wear paper hats?
Nope. This year we will dust off our halos.
Halos? As in saints?
Exactly. Patron saints is the theme of the party this year. Patron saints are often associated with particular occupations, places, and protection against specific ailments. Patron saints are well-represented in art, and they are often pictured with with symbols that make them recognizable. The table below lists some patron saints.
Accountants, bankers, finance/tax work St. Matthew book, often with an angel in attendance
Architects, construction workers St. Thomas the Apostle book, carpenter's square, spear
Architects, builders and miners, artillerymen, foundry workers, firework makers, Mathematicians, geoscientist, stonemasons, servicemen of the Russian Strategic Rocket Forces St. Barbara a chalice, a tower with three windows
Artists, physicians, students, painters St. Luke a book, ox, or artist's bush and palette
Artists, physicians, students, painters St. Catharine of Bologna
Athletes St. Sebastianarrow(s)
Bakers St. Elizabeth of Hungaryapron filled with roses, pitcher, alms, bread
Carpenters, fathers, social justice, unmarried women St. Joseph Infant Jesus, carpentry tools, a flowering staff
Children, coopers, sailors, fishermen, merchants, broadcasters, the falsely accused, repentant thieves, pharmacists, archers, pawnbrokers St. Nicholas a bishop holding a crozier, giving alms, with children, holding a book, riding a horse
Communication workers, messengers, post/broadcast workers Gabriel, the Archangel lily, trumpet, a shining lantern, a scepter
Computer scientist, the internet St. Isidore of Seville
Difficult marriages St. Rita of Cascia
Doctors, pharmacists, nurses, shepherds, matchmakers, travelers Raphael, the Archangel
Farmers, labourers St. Isidore the Laboror
France St. Joan of Arc
Girls St. Agnes of Rome
Butlers, cooks, dietitians, domestic servants, homemakers, hotel-keepers, housemaids, housewives, innkeepers, laundry workers, maids, manservants, servants, servers, single laywomen, travellers St. Martha a broom, ladle, or keys, a jar of holy water and an aspergillium, a dragon at her feet
Housewives, grandparents, pregnant women Sts. Ann and Joachim
Laundry workers, goldsmiths, gilders, needleworkers St. Clare of AssisiMonstrance, pyx, lamp, habit of the Poor Clares, sometimes a cat
Librarians St. Jeromelion, cardinal attire, cross, skull, trumpet, owl, books and writing material
Married women, mothers St. Monica
Musicians St. Ceciliaa muscial instrument, usually an organ or lute
Norway St. Olaf
(Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae)
a battle axe and orb
Nurses, bellmakers, bakers, fire, earthquakes St. Agatha Two breasts on a plate
Penitents, perfumers, tanners,hairdressers,pharmacists St. Mary Magdalenean alabaster box, jar of ointment, mirror, or egg
Unmarried girls, Aalsum, apologists, craftsmen who work with a wheel (potters, spinners), archivists, dying people, educators, girls, jurists, knife sharpeners, lawyers, librarians, libraries, maidens, mechanics, millers, milliners, hat-makers, nurses, philosophers, preachers, scholars, schoolchildren, scribes, secretaries, spinsters, stenographers, students, tanners, theologians, haberdashers, wheelwrights St. Catherine of Alexandria a spiked wheel, a book, a sword
Politicians, public servants, lawyers St. Thomas More chain of office of the English Lord Chancellor, a book or an axe
Photographers, laundry workers St. Veronica a cloth imprinted with the face of Jesus wearing a crown of thorns
Scholars St. Bede the Venerable
Babies, blacksmiths, boatmen, cattle, chicken farmers, dairymaids, dairy workers, fugitives, infants, Ireland, mariners, midwives, milk maids, nuns, poets, poor, poultry farmers, poultry raisers, printing presses, sailors, scholars, travellers, watermenSt. Brigit of Kildarecandle, lamp, bowl of fire, often with a cow nearby (usually a white, red-eared cow), a cross with equilateral arms woven from of rushes
Medical technicians, philosophers, scientists, students St. Albert the Great
(Albertus Magnus)
TV watchers in the 1970sThe Saint
Oj. Litt av en samling. Skal vi gjenskape helgenbildene?
På en måte. Vi skal lage nye helgenbilder, med nye attributter fra vår egen tid. Utfordringen er som følger:
  1. velg en skytshelgen
  2. velg et bilde
  3. finn en gjenstand som kan representere skytshelgenen i vår tid
  4. ta på deg klær som gjør at du ligner helgenen, ta med deg gjenstanden, og still deg foran kamera
Kan du gi noen eksempler?
Mange yrkesgrupper har byttet verktøy siden saliggjøringen, og vi utfordrer deg derfor til å ta med gjenstander fra vår egen tid. Arkitekter i dag har kanskje viktigere verktøy enn vinkelhaken, kanskje de St. Thomas heller bør avbildes med en datamaskin? Og Gabriel, som beskytter dem som driver med kringkasting, kan kanskje få en mikrofon?
Hmm. Jeg må altså tenke og forberede meg? Orker jeg det?
Det er et element at selv-seleksjon på disse feiringene, og oppmøte er ikke obligatorisk. Vi inviterer flere enn vi har plass til. Vi er avhengige av at noen velger å gjøre noe annet.
Jeg har en favoritt-helgen som ikke står på lista. Kan jeg velge denne?
Ja, såfremt du kan kan ta med et bilde og fortelle oss noe interessant om helgenen.
Hva med glorien, må jeg ta med den også?
Vi vil ha et rikt utvalg av glorier tilgjengelig. Men ta med noen passende klær.
Blir jeg tatt bilde av?
Ja. Alle blir tatt bilde av. Bildene blir lagt ut i etterkant. Vi fjerner bilder du ikke liker.
Kan jeg ta med noen?
Partnere og barn er velkomne.
Skal jeg ta med noe?
Gjerne litt fingermat. Fingermat er mat som kan settes rett på bordet og deles med flere. Fingermat krever ikke bestikk eller oppvarming på kjøkkenet. Matbordet blir langt mer interessant når alle bidrar enn om vertskapet skulle lage maten.
Skal jeg ta med flasker?
Nei. Vi har rikelig med drikke av alle slag. Slushmaskinen vil gå og du trenger ikke ta med flasker.
Blir det allsang før midnatt?
Ja. Absolutt.
Etter midnatt. Først danser vi vals på plassen utenfor huset.
Dans ute? Tar dere med høyttalere ut i år?
Ja! Etterpå blir det disko inne.
Flott! Er det mulig å legge til sanger til spillelisten?
Spillelisten er basert på årelang forskning om hvordan få folk til å danse på fest. Du kan sende forslag på epost på forhånd, så får vi se — og kanskje høre.
Må jeg melde meg på?
Ja. Tidlig påmelding anbefales. Vi har en øvre grense for antall deltagere for å forhindre det totale kaos. Send svar per epost.
Impressive collection. Will we reproduce these pictures?
With a twist. We will make new images of patron saints, with new attributes from our own time. The challenge is as follows:
  1. pick a patron saint
  2. pick an image
  3. find an item that can represent the patron saint in our day and age
  4. dress up like your patron saint and bring your favored item with you in front of the camera
Could you give some examples?
Many fields of work have changed since the saints were painted. We challenge you to find items from our own time that somehow will fit into the pictures. Architects today probably have more important tools than the carpenter's square, perhaps they use computers? And Gabriel, who is the patron saint of broacasting, should perhaps be given a microphone?
So, I will have to prepare myself in advance? Can I be bothered?
There's an element of self-selection in these celebrations, and you don't have to come. We invite more people than we have space for, and we assume some people will choose to do something else.
I have a favorite saint who is not in the list above. Can I recreate him/her?
Sure, as long as you can bring a picture and say something interesting about your saint.
Do I have to bring my own halo?
We will have a fine selection of halos to be used by all. But bring some suitable clothes.
Will I be photographed?
Yes, everyone is to step in front of the camera.
May I bring someone?
Partners and children are welcome.
Shall I bring something?
Please bring some finger food. Finger food doesn't require plates, cutlery or heating in the kitchen. The table is far more interesting when everyone contributes their culinary delights.
Should I bring drinks?
No. We'll make sure there is plenty of drinks of all kinds. The slush-machine will be running and there's no need to bring bottles.
Are we singing before midnight?
Yes, absolutely.
After midnight. We start by waltzing outside, in the square.
Waltzing outside? Will you bring speakers outside?
Yes. Afterwards there will be disco inside.
Great! May I add tracks to the playlist?
The playlist has been carefully crafted, based on years of research on how to get people dancing at parties. You may send suggestions on additional tracks in email in advance.
Yes, please RSVP early by email. We are placing an upper limit to the number of guests in order to prevent total chaos.